Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
ISSN: 1303 - 2968   
Ios-APP Journal of Sports Science and Medicine
from September 2014
©Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2009) 08, 36 - 46

Combat Sports Special Issue 3, Research article
Most Frequent Errors in Judo Uki Goshi Technique and the Existing Relations among Them Analysed through T-Patterns
Alfonso Gutiérrez , Iván Prieto, José M. Cancela
Author Information
Faculty of Education and Sports Sciences, University of Vigo, Spain

Alfonso Gutiérrez
✉ Facultad de Ciencias da Educación e do Deporte de Pontevedra. Campus de A Xunqueira s/n C.P. 36005 Pontevedra, Spain
Publish Date
Received: 27-02-2009
Accepted: 31-07-2009
Published (online): 01-11-2009

The purpose of this study is to provide a tool, based on the knowledge of technical errors, which helps to improve the teaching and learning process of the Uki Goshi technique. With this aim, we set out to determine the most frequent errors made by 44 students when performing this technique and how these mistakes relate. In order to do so, an observational analysis was carried out using the OSJUDO-UKG instrument and the data were registered using Match Vision Studio (Castellano, Perea, Alday and Hernández, 2008). The results, analyzed through descriptive statistics, show that the absence of a correct initial unbalancing movement (45,5%), the lack of proper right-arm pull (56,8%), not blocking the faller’s body (Uke) against the thrower’s hip -Tori- (54,5%) and throwing the Uke through the Tori’s side are the most usual mistakes (72,7%). Through the sequencial analysis of T-Patterns obtained with the THÈME program (Magnusson, 1996, 2000) we have concluded that not blocking the body with the Tori’s hip provokes the Uke’s throw through the Tori’s side during the final phase of the technique (95,8%), and positioning the right arm on the dorsal region of the Uke’s back during the Tsukuri entails the absence of a subsequent pull of the Uke’s body (73,3%).

Key words: Uki Goshi, observational methodology, error, T-Patterns, sequential study

           Key Points
  • In this study, the most frequent errors in the performance of the Uki Goshi technique have been determined and the existing relations among these mistakes have been shown through T-Patterns.
  • The SOBJUDO-UKG is an observation instrument for detecting mistakes in the aforementioned technique.
  • The results show that those mistakes related to the initial imbalancing movement and the main driving action of the technique are the most frequent.
  • The use of T-Patterns turns out to be effective in order to obtain the most important relations among the observed errors.
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